The Bertie Bones stories are aimed at independent readers aged 7+ years or for those older readers who find reading a challenge but enjoy more developed content with easier to read text.
Bertie Bones is a born archaeologist. He grows up to become very successful in his field – a real celebrity and well known household name, highly respected in scientific circles as well. He gets involved in a series of adventures involving modern day issues of both a personal and a global nature, including lots of historical detail, and of course some archaeological discoveries.
There are plenty of books for this age group dealing in magic, fairies and comedic characters but if you or your child are looking for a story with more realism while still being engaging and enjoyable then this is the book for you.
Children today are well aware of hard hitting events and stimuli such as floods, famine and wars through exposure to the TV and news programmes but there are few stories for younger children which deal with them at a level that they can begin to empathise with and understand what it means on a human level.